TWMC(台灣數學/科學圈)是一個非營利性組織,由柏克萊數學圈的領導者協助創建並提供支持,該聚集了許多台灣學生一同結識和探索數學世界的領域。 TWMC學生會於2018年成立,學員來ˋ自台灣不同地區的學校,TWMC學生會成立的目的是為了促進學生交流且創造出良好的學習環境。最近因為冠狀病毒的蔓延而影響了許多家庭,使他們失去錢財或家人。我們注意到周圍人的困境,並認為我們必須幫助他人。但是我們的能力有限,我們是一群沒有經濟能力的孩子,可是我們能做到的是關懷與陪伴,並運用我們的才能及時間去幫助他人。很感謝各地愛心的家長或組織,基金會及企業,謝謝您們無私的支援,讓TWMC學生會關懷組織能成形,我們期盼這一切的過程能帶動更多的學員關懷社會,為愛努力。

Members of

Charlie Lai President of the TWMC Student Volunteer Council
Helping allows us to connect with others, create stronger communities, and help build a happier society for everyone. It's not all about money - we can also give our time, ideas and energy to help those who are in need. If we all work together, we will be able to help the community and support the people. I had lived with my grandma for many years, and I've never understood why she would smile even after using up a lot of her energy and resources to help those around her. I worked as a member of the school council of a Christian school that plans and hosts many charity events. Through these events, I've worked with many compassionate people and have learned a lot of knowledge. I pondered on what grandma has told me and what I've learned from everybody from the events and from school, I finally understand why grandma smiles - because "it's more blessed to give than to receive". I want to inspire everyone and spread this ideal to the world.

Walt Jiang Vice President (Event-Planning Department)
I am Walt Jiang and I am in 6 grade. I am so glad to be a part of TWMC student council. It is my pleasure to do this job because I like to plan all sorts of fun activities. I want to spend time creating a list of things we can do to help this world as best as we can. I have been to different places that people need to help such as orphanages,
Hospital, and Caring homes. I have also been a volunteer that helps elders and children that have health problems or no family.I hope though this job to help more elders and kids that have no people to take care of. I also want more people to be a volunteer to take care of elder and kid. I hope this job will bring more people to do the same thing. Life is about service.

Ryan Huang Vice President (Financial Department)
I am very grateful that I have this chance to serve those who are in need. We often put our attention on the best ones in our society, but it is important to heed those that need care and support. Everyone has a story to tell and everyone should be treated equally. I inspire everyone to join TWMC CHARITY and create a loving community with us.

Wei-Jhen Chen Section Director (News and Information Department)
I want to join the student union because I hope I can help people who need to volunteer. This also means that we have stronger abilities and more resources than people, so we stand up more and more to give them a hand. When I'm helping people, I will feel cheerful because other people are happy and it makes me happy. I think it is very meaningful for me because I can spend my time participating in other different significant things for other people in the world. For my future, I hope that I can get good grades by studying more in school and reading more books, getting into a good college so I can find a high paid job, and the most important one is to help more people by joining the student union.

Po-Lin Chen Vice President Director (Foundation Section)
I joined the student union because I think it is a very amazing experience. We help people not because we want to be known or be praised, but because we want to change the world and make it a better place for the future generations. Thinking of all the things I'm planning to do in the future, joining the student union is only my first step. I hope I can do a lot to help everyone as I grow!

Yu Chang Section Vice President (Enterprise Section)
在一個非常偶然 的時機與巧妙的學習中認識了TWMC學生會,但原先對學生會只有字面上的了解並無確切的深入與學習,現在慢慢的越來越喜歡,透過這舞台的資源與交流讓我學習到了不同的世界觀與機會。

Emilia Chang Section Director (Budget Section)
I want to help people that are in need in this world, whether they are older generation or children. I come from a big family and there are many elders and kids. As the eldest grandchild, I am aware of the caring and companion they need. Therefore, we need to lend a helping hand to the underprivileged in our society. I would like to spread more love to this world. What’s a better way to do so by helping others?

Holly Shi Section Vice President (Internet Publicity Section)

Ding Jieh Lee Section Vice President (Accounting Section)
在TWMC這個團隊裡,有關心我們的親切教練--Julia執行長,和耐心專 業的教師團隊,在他們的幫助下,我找到學數學的樂趣,帶領我數次出國比賽,皆能獲得佳績,不僅增長了見識也開拓了視野!

William Lee Section Vice President (Musical Department)
The reason I've joined TWMC is because that my mom's friend told me that if I went to TWMC, l can have a better score and my math will be good. In the past my math is bad but now l can have a better score. l am happy that l am in TWMC and l hope l can help more people, so I joined the TWMC student council. I will use the knowledge I've gained at TWMC and apply them to help those who need help.