TWMC(台灣數學/科學圈)是一個非營利性組織,由柏克萊數學圈的領導者協助創建並提供支持,該聚集了許多台灣學生一同結識和探索數學世界的領域。 TWMC學生會於2018年成立,學員來ˋ自台灣不同地區的學校,TWMC學生會成立的目的是為了促進學生交流且創造出良好的學習環境。最近因為冠狀病毒的蔓延而影響了許多家庭,使他們失去錢財或家人。我們注意到周圍人的困境,並認為我們必須幫助他人。但是我們的能力有限,我們是一群沒有經濟能力的孩子,可是我們能做到的是關懷與陪伴,並運用我們的才能及時間去幫助他人。很感謝各地愛心的家長或組織,基金會及企業,謝謝您們無私的支援,讓TWMC學生會關懷組織能成形,我們期盼這一切的過程能帶動更多的學員關懷社會,為愛努力。

President of the TWMC Student Volunteer Council
As a student who grew up in a Christian school, I had been seen many organizations and groups that work to support those who need help. I've had the chance to participate in some of the charity events that they've held, and I had gained a lot of knowledge and experience regarding how a charity organization should operate. I believe that we should all give our all and try to help as much as we can and give a hand to those who need help. I think that even if we are students, we can still gather all our resources and use them to help society.

Vivian Huang Secretary
The reason why I joined this organization was because I want to help people in need.When I was young, I often participated in charity activities with my parents. I have always wanted to help and support the disadvantaged people, but as an individual, I do not have enough power. I want to take this opportunity to help more people in need, because we can all work together and give what we have and help those who are in need.

Declan Chang Vice President (Public Relations Department)
In December of 2019, China reported cases of Pneumonia that would be later known as the COVID-19. Then on January 13th of 2020, the first recorded case of the virus outside of China was identified. As the virus spread around the globe, the economies of many nations were severely affected. People around the world felt the hit; the pandemic caused millions of people to lose their job and many more families to suffer. The unemployment rate in the US is higher than it was in the great depression. I was not as severely affected by the pandemic as the population in other countries are. I want to help, to aid the families and community that saw the worst of this virus. With all of what I can do, I would like to prepare and organize events with my team to support others. To know that what we do may show those people that there is still kindness in the world. Perhaps in the future they will pass this kindness on, and we can create a cycle of love.

Charlie Lai Vice President (Event Planning Department)
Helping allows us to connect with others, create stronger communities, and help build a happier society for everyone. It's not all about money - we can also give our time, ideas and energy to help those who are in need. If we all work together, we will be able to help the community and support the people. I had lived with my grandma for many years, and I've never understood why she would smile even after using up a lot of her energy and resources to help those around her. I worked as a member of the school council of a Christian school that plans and hosts many charity events. Through these events, I've worked with many compassionate people and have learned a lot of knowledge. I pondered on what grandma has told me and what I've learned from everybody from the events and from school, I finally understand why grandma smiles - because "it's more blessed to give than to receive". I want to inspire everyone and spread this ideal to the world. Let's all spread love with a smile.

Louis Lu Vice President (Musical Department)
“Learn to generously share what you have with those who ask for help, and don’t close your heart to the one who comes to borrow from you.” Matthew 5:42” In Matthew 5:42, God tells us how we should use what God has given us and help the people who needs help. By serving it creates a better and happier community. It also helps the people who are in need get better and healthier. This is why I would give my time and energy to serving others who are in need. Because I live in a fortunate family, I don’t have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, etc. So when I serve the people in need, it will help me realize how lucky I am, and will learn how to appreciate. Which is why I want to help the people who need to worry about those things.

Ryan Huang Vice President (Financial Department)
I am very grateful that I have this chance to serve those who are in need. We often put our attention on the best ones in our society, but it is important to heed those that need care and support. Everyone has a story to tell and everyone should be treated equally. I inspire everyone to join TWMC CHARITY and create a loving community with us. The more people they are, the more we will be able to accomplish.

Jovi Chen Vice President (Information Technology Department)
"When people are serving, life is no longer meaninglessness." by John Gardner. I do not lack any necessities or comfort in my life, but some people do not even have food on their table. I will do what I can to help those in need. There are many people in this world who need assistance. I will do my best to help others. I would like to expand my capabilities and knowledge through volunteer work with your organization, so I can be of service to others.

Wenny Chen Vice President (News and Information Department)
Ever since I was a child, my mom would always teach me that helping and serving others is the foundation of happiness. These words are deeply engraved in my heart, and I believe that helping others is helping yourself. Doing something for others can increase your confidence and make you feel satisfied. Also, by helping others, you can realize how lucky you are and cherish the things you have. I am motivated to help others because I believe that everyone in this world deserves happiness. I believe that if you are a capable person should help those in need and make everyone happy.

Anson Zhao Vice President (Cultural Development Department)

Leo Chin Vice President (Recruiting Department)
"We are a team!" as Mrs.Julia always said, instead of being jealous of other's abilities, we gain knowledges and skills from them, and they'll not be stingy to teach us, that's why I feel safe and warm in this big family. Since the day I join TWMC, I know that learning math isn't my only target, the most important thing is to learn to help those people who need help. And we got a chance to do it now, although the responsibility will become much more heavier then usual, but I believe that we'll do our best to make the future better.

Shi-En Lin Vice President (Recruiting Department)
我參加這次的學生會的活動是因為,想讓更多的弱勢群族得到幫助。我會加入永續部是因為,想讓更多人看到且發現這世界原來還有跟自己過著不一樣生活的人,並且喚醒他們對於弱勢群族的關心及想法,讓更多人可以為弱勢發聲,讓弱勢群族可以得到更多的關注以及照顧 。

Yami Hsieh Vice President (Cultural Development Department)
大家好,我是TWMC的成員。因為學校的關係接觸到了TWMC。後來知道了有這個學生會組織,並了解這個學生會是在籌劃各種關懷活動。我想要在這些活動當中付出一份心力,以及能夠透過自己微小的力量,能夠讓一些老人,弱勢的群體受到一點點的鼓勵。又剛好有這個機會可以為這個社會付出什麼。雖然只是一點點的用心 而且大家集結起來的力量一定是很大的,所以也不會吝嗇的付出心力。

Albert Dai Section Director (Music Department)
“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”, said Albert Schweitzer, philosopher and doctor of early- and mid-20th century. By playing music, he raised money to help the sick and wounded in Africa. I agree with his quote. In my perspective, everyone deserves a happier, healthier life, especially elderly people, whose relatives have no time to take care of, and people with various kinds of diseases. I will do whatever I can to help them, not only to realize how fortunate I am, but also increase my knowledge and experience through volunteer work. I will help make everyone’s life happier, heathier, and more exciting.

James Ku Section Director (Budget Section)

Angela Lin Section Director (Internet Publicity Section)
According to United Nations reported, there is more than 800 million people who are in state of hunger. As a member in the global village, I am not short of food or daily necessities. That's why I want to join this organization to help others who are in need. Although a person's power is tiny, I believe with TWMC our actions can be seen and can raise the awareness of the public. It's always says that "To help others is to help ourselves." I will keep this in mind and to do my best to help the society.

Lee Ding Jieh Section Director (Music Department)

Lucy Lu Section Director (Music Department)

Amelia Chen Section Director (Music Department)

Amber Chang Section Director (Music Department)

William Lee Section Director (Music Department)

Albert Dai Section Director (Music Department)
“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”, said Albert Schweitzer, philosopher and doctor of early- and mid-20th century. By playing music, he raised money to help the sick and wounded in Africa. I agree with his quote. In my perspective, everyone deserves a happier, healthier life, especially elderly people, whose relatives have no time to take care of, and people with various kinds of diseases. I will do whatever I can to help them, not only to realize how fortunate I am, but also increase my knowledge and experience through volunteer work. I will help make everyone’s life happier, heathier, and more exciting.