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希望教育支持計劃 Charity cafe

TWMC深信教育是翻轉生命及未來的根本,對於TWMC而言,每個孩子都有受教育的權利跟機會,教育應是落實公平正義的根本,而每一個孩子不僅是家庭的未來,更是國家未來競爭力的希望,TWMC學生會本著TWMC創立宗旨,除了積極參與各項志工活動及慈善公益外,更希望能透過教育去完成每個孩子的夢想,這種小手牽小手的精神正在TWMC學生會中蔓延,此計劃將協助Cafe Ministry 提供免費外師英文教學及課後照護,並希望透過多元的學習,讓更多孩子能適得其所發展適性學習。歡迎有意願幫助孩子們的各方一同加入關懷活動。要獲得更多消息歡迎您聯絡:TWMC學生會






Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC) firmly believes that education is the basis for transforming life and future. For TWMC, every child has the right and opportunity to receive education. Education should be the basis for implementing fairness and justice. Every child is not only the future of the family, but also the country. In line with the founding purpose of TWMC, the TWMC Student Union not only actively participates in various volunteer activities and charity activities, but also hopes to spark and support every child's dream through education. This Charity Café will help to provide free English teaching and after-school care by foreign teachers. It is hoped that through diversified learning, more children can learn and study well. All parties who are willing to help children are welcome to join the caring activities. For more information, please contact: TWMC Student Union:

We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the student care program and supporting the new power of the next generation in Taiwan: Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC), Sinotech Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., Alpha FinTech Co., Ltd., Taichung Financial Managers Association, Chinese Robo-Advisor Association, Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Lemon Tree Public Welfare, Fengxin Charity Foundation.

Person in charge of public welfare planning:

  • Charlie Lai, President of TWMC Student Council

  • Ming-Tsang Jiang, Vice President of the TWMC Student Council Event-Planning Department

TWMC深信教育是翻轉生命及未來的根本,對於TWMC而言,每個孩子都有受教育的權利跟機會,教育應是落實公平正義的根本,而每一個孩子不僅是家庭的未來,更是國家未來競爭力的希望,TWMC學生會本著TWMC創立宗旨,除了積極參與各項志工活動及慈善公益外,更希望能透過教育去完成每個孩子的夢想,這種小手牽小手的精神正在TWMC學生會中蔓延,此計劃將協助Cafe Ministry 提供免費外師英文教學及課後照護,並希望透過多元的學習,讓更多孩子能適得其所發展適性學習。歡迎有意願幫助孩子們的各方一同加入關懷活動。要獲得更多消息歡迎您聯絡:TWMC學生會






Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC) firmly believes that education is the basis for transforming life and future. For TWMC, every child has the right and opportunity to receive education. Education should be the basis for implementing fairness and justice. Every child is not only the future of the family, but also the country. In line with the founding purpose of TWMC, the TWMC Student Union not only actively participates in various volunteer activities and charity activities, but also hopes to spark and support every child's dream through education. This Charity Café will help to provide free English teaching and after-school care by foreign teachers. It is hoped that through diversified learning, more children can learn and study well. All parties who are willing to help children are welcome to join the caring activities. For more information, please contact: TWMC Student Union:

We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the student care program and supporting the new power of the next generation in Taiwan: Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC), Sinotech Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., Alpha FinTech Co., Ltd., Taichung Financial Managers Association, Chinese Robo-Advisor Association, Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Lemon Tree Public Welfare, Fengxin Charity Foundation.

Person in charge of public welfare planning:

  • Charlie Lai, President of TWMC Student Council

  • Ming-Tsang Jiang, Vice President of the TWMC Student Council Event-Planning Department

© 2020-2022 by TWMC Student Association

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2F., No. 390, Beitun Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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